Why Mass Distance
Charges (MDCs)

Heavy vehicle owners are obliged to pay their fair share towards the maintenance of Namibia’s road infrastructure, as the consumption of roads increases more sharply with the increase of vehicle mass. Mass Distance Charges (MDCs) are aimed at redressing this inequity, hence its introduction in 2007. MDC is levied on heavy vehicles in addition to Vehicle Registration Fees, Annual Licence Fees, Abnormal Load Fees, Fuel Levies and Cross-Border Charges (CBC).

Does MDC apply to
local vehicles only?

MDC applies to both local and foreign registered vehicles weighing in excess of 3,500kg which utilize Namibia’s road network. Owners/operators of foreign-registered vehicles are referred to the Cross-Border Charges section of the website.

Where and how do local owners/operators of heavy vehicles register MDC?

All owners/operators of heavy vehicles registered in Namibia, with a V/DT rating above 3 500kg, must register by completing the prescribed MDC Registration Form obtainable from the RFA Head office or the RFA website. The MDC Registration Form should be completed by the owner/operator, who must indicate the distance each vehicle will be travelling in the year following the date of registration. The RFA will also verify that all vehicles are listed on the form.

Determination of
payment by the RFA

The RFA will, in accordance with the distance indicated on the MDC Registration Form, determine the first date of liability for payment of the MDC for a specific vehicle and the intervals at which the operator should pay the MDC.

Who is responsible for the logbook and how should it be completed?

When the vehicle is operated, the driver must record the distance travelled in kilometres in the logbook. Owners/operators of heavy vehicles should also ensure that the driver records the distance travelled correctly for the specific vehicle. The owner/operator must correctly calculate the total amount due to the RFA for all their heavy vehicles, which should all be MDC-registered.

Please take note that under no circumstances should cash be submitted with the Assessment Form. The RFA will accept no liability in this regard.

Licence Renewal

If an owner of an MDC-liable vehicle applies for the annual license renewal of a vehicle, he/she should provide proof of payment for MDC to the registering authority before the issuing/renewal of the licence by the registering authority.

Law Enforcement

Vehicle operators might be required to present their logbooks to law enforcement officers countrywide on request. If owners/operators of MDC-registered vehicles are caught without, or with an incomplete logbook, such owners/operators may be fined on the spot or face prosecution. Owners/operators of heavy vehicles should ensure that the driver of a heavy vehicle keeps the current logbook, issued to that specific vehicle, in the vehicle at all times. An owner/operator who commits an offence in this regard is liable to be fined an amount not exceeding N$4,000. 

How should MDC
payments be made?

Owners/operators are required to complete their assessments for the period under review on the prescribed Assessment Form. Assessment Forms can be obtained from the RFA or on its website. MDCs are paid directly into the RFA’s bank account, via cash deposits and/or electronic fund transfers.

The RFA’s bank details for MDC are:

To whom should the
assessments be submitted?

All assessments can be handed in directly at the RFA’s Head office in Windhoek. Assessments must be accompanied by the original proof of payment (i.e. bank deposits slips and/or electronic fund transfer confirmation of payment).

What documents
should be submitted?

The following documents should be submitted to the RFA Head office with all assessments.

  • The completed, prescribed Assessment Form.
  • Original log sheets (sheets marked RFA copy) as supplied in the logbooks issued to each MDC-liable heavy vehicle.
  • Owners/operators currently using satellite tracking systems may include proof of distance travelled, which has been verified and signed off by their respective service providers.
  • Original proof of payment (i.e. bank deposit slip and/or electronic fund transfer payment confirmation). Officials of the RFA will verify and confirm receipt of the above-mentioned documents by ticking a checklist, signing and providing a copy of the assessment to the owner/operator. The RFA will process these documents and verify all information contained in them. Once all information has been verified as correct, the owner/operator will be issued a Receipt.